The Church of Scientology Course Rooms


The future of our planet will one day rest in the hands of our children.
Will they be equipped will to carry society forward? The gauge to
their success is our educating them now.

 A very high percentage of Australian children leave school lacking reading,
      writing and the educational skills to meet their potential.

      Failed attempts to improve education in recent decades show that despite
      the great attention on education, and the billions spent on it, there has 
      been little improvement. Why?

      At the root of educational failure lies a fundamental situation that is almost   
      universal: Students have never been taught how to learn.

      Learning how to learn has been a missing vital ingredient that has hampered 
      all fields of study. Without knowing how to learn, a majority of students find
      education a trying and difficult process. They never master the ability to 
      rapidly learn something with certainty and ease.

      L. Ron Hubbard recognized these failings of modern education in 1950. His 
      extensive investigation into the problems of teaching others led to a 
      breakthrough – the first comprehensive understanding of the real barriers to 
      effective learning. He then devised a precise technology on how to learn any
      subject – a technology that ensures a person will not only fully grasp what he 
      is studying, but proficiently apply what he has studied or in life.

      These breakthroughs came to be known as “study technology.” This is the first 
      fully workable approach to teaching people exactly how to learn.

      Study technology has been extensively tested and proven to achieve uniform, 
      consistent results wherever it has been applied. Because it is based on      
      fundamentals common to everyone, it cuts across any economic, cultural or racial 
      lines and can be used by all, regardless of age.

      Outstanding improvements have been made by students of all ages in reading 
      level, comprehension, vocabulary and mathematics when they have been 
      instructed on this technology.

      Below are courses graded for the varying age groups of children. Contact 
      us direct via email if you have any questions at all about what to do. Your child’s    
      education is important for him, yourself, and society at large. Some parents 
      prefer to come and learn this technology for themselves and then tutor their 
      children at home, and that is totally fine too.


You can contact the Church of Scientology of Canberra here, and read more interesting Scientology philosophy here.

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