Dianetics: The Original Thesis

By L. Ron Hubbard


Product Description

Here is Ron’s first description of Dianetics. Originally circulated in manuscript form to a few friends, it was soon copied and passed hand-to-hand until it literally circled the globe. But the resultant word of mouth fueled the fire. With thousands of letters requesting more information, Ron concluded the only way to answer all inquiries was within a book. that book was Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, now the all-time bestseller on the mind. Find out what started it all. for here are the bedrock discoveries and equations of Dianetics.

Here are also the the fundamental; breakthroughs to make the first Clears – breakthroughs which made possible the development of technology for use by every individual to begin the clearing of a planet, breakthroughs only contained in Dianetics: The Original Thesis.

“It is a purpose of Dianetics to pass Man across the abyss of irrational, solely reactive thought and enter him upon a new stage of constructive progression to the ultimate goal.” L. Ron Hubbard

This book comes with an extensive glossary to help the reader with easier reading.

Please find the Church of Scientology of Canberra here, and more Dianetics Books here.

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