Dianetics: The Evolution of a Science

By L. Ron Hubbard


Product Description

Originally written and published in national magazines to coincide with the release of Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, here is Ron’s own story of his developmental train and two decade journey to the discovery of the Reactive Mind.

Here you find out about Basic Personality, the Dynamic Principle of Existence – SURVIVE – and how these seem to be Demons of the mind.

Here then are both the fundamentals of Dianetics as well as the only account of L. Ron Hubbard’s two-decade journey of discovery and how he applied a scientific methodology to the problems of the human mind. He wrote it so you would know. Hence, this books is a must for every Dianeticist.

“The optimum computing machine is a subject which many of us have studied.

“It might be somewhat astonishing, at first, to conceive of such a computer. But the fact is, the machine is in existence. There are billions of them in use today and many, many more billions have been made and used in the past.

“In fact, you’ve got one. For we are dealing with the human mind.” L. Ron Hubbard

214 pages. It includes a glossary that is over 60 pages for aiding reader comprehension

Please find the Church of Scientology of Canberra here, and more Dianetics Books here.

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