Individual Attention

By L. Ron Hubbard


Well, you have now embarked upon a very great adventure, the adventure of you!

You are learning how to become more efficient and how to gain more self-confidence than possibly you ever thought was possible.

Naturally it is very difficult, to say the least, to give every person the individual attention we know that you deserve.

Well, the Church of Scientology offers to you an additional service: the service of personal and individual attention. We, in Scientology, call this processing.

We are offering to you the services of highly trained and skilled Scientologists. You will receive personal attention and will enjoy the experience of a skilled minister.

If you desire to experience far more self-confidence and yet more stability to handle the problems of life, then may we recommend to you individual processing. It is provided in the Hubbard Guidance Center at the Church of Scientology.


You can contact the Church of Scientology of Canberra here, and read more interesting Scientology philosophy here.

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