Scientology: The Fundamentals Of Thought

By L. Ron Hubbard


You are the life-force that runs your body. You are not your body. You are life. You, as life, follow separate laws than the physical universe.

For many people, not knowing they are in fact the life force that runs their body, and subject to the laws of life, they are the effect of the world around them.  Many complain it is not fair, and the world is not fair to them. But unfortunately they do not know the laws and truths that govern them. These truths are not difficult to know. Read them in this book yourself. See if they are true for you as they are for many others.

This book is an introduction to Scientology and the knowledge it contains. If you want to be the cause of things around you, instead of being the effect of them, it helps to know what the laws are that govern these things.

You are an immortal spiritual being. You have lived before. You will live again. Buy this book, read it, and you be the judge. This is an introduction, but the knowledge in it you can use your whole life.

Product Description

While it may be too much to think that a man has discovered every embracing aspect of life, it happens to be so, and the simple answers are inside this book. Read it for yourself. This book can also raise IQ. Just read it. It is easy to read, and really does describe the underlying ways a person thinks.

“You may have been taught that the mind, spirit and life are very difficult things to know about. This is the first principal of Scientology: It is possible to know about the mind, the spirit and life.”

L. Ron Hubbard

Other Scientology books can be found here. The Church of Scientology of Canberra can be found here.

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